Submitted by: Bernal Bernal
3gen Dermlite is a device which makes skin cancer screening quick and easy. It can also be used to look for other conditions, including checking varicose veins, skin irritations, skin lesions and hair transplants.
How Does It Work?
3gen Dermlite works through cross polarization filters, a process called Cross Polarized ELM. The Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) produce a white light which is polarized linearly through a filter. A second filter, positioned at a 90 angle to the first filter, cuts down the light reflected by the skin so that you can see deeper into the body. The image produced is then enlarged through a magnifying lens. Skin Cancer Detection is then possible with the resulting picture.
Why Is It Important?
It’s important for the Early Detection Skin Cancer. It’s also able to detect other forms of skin condition. In addition, if you suffer from varicose veins or skin lesions you can use it to check for any complications.
What Are The Benefits Of 3gen Dermlite?
* Portable: unlike other devices, this is handheld and easy to carry around.
* Easier: due to the fact that no oil is required it’s much easier to use than other methods. This makes the procedure much quicker.
* Efficiency: the LEDs last longer, are brighter and use less energy thereby making the device very efficient.
* Faster: an image is produced very quickly and there’s no need to wait a few minutes as with oil based imaging.
What Features Does 3gen Dermlite Have?
The features include:
* 10 times magnification;
* a 15mm Hastings Triplet Lens;
* cross Polarization;
* 8 white LEDs which possesses 100, 000 hours of battery life;
* a white spectrum light which makes skin lesion examinations clearer;
* and it weighs only 3.5 ounces.
* What Other Dermlite Products Are Available?
* DermLite Carbon: this is similar to 3gen Dermlite and is capable of superficial skin imaging.
* DermLite PRO: the DermLite II PRO allows you to move along between 16 polarized LEDs thereby providing a more efficient image of the skin’s surface. There’s also the option to attach a camera so that the images can be recorded. The DermLite 3 Pro has 21 LEDs and a retractable faceplate spacer.
* DermLite Hybrid: this lets you use either the cross-polarized dermoscopy or the immersion fluid dermoscopy method thereby giving you the freedom to choose.
* Lumio Polarized Light: containing 40 LEDs this is especially useful for dermatological examinations, including pigmented skin lesions, varicose veins and hair follicles.
3gen Dermlite is a revolutionary device for skin cancer detection. Its specialized design is portable, easy to use and able to provide clear results fast.
Skin cancer can be a life threatening disease and, so, the faster it’s detected the more the chance of a recovery. The 3gen Dermlite is a device which makes this process of detection much faster and easier. Due the fact that no oil is required, the procedure has been made much more efficient and simpler.
3Gen Dermlite, a handheld, easy to use portable cancer detection device for dermatologists. Make detecting cancer an easy process for your as well as your patients with the innovative Dermlit Pro. Visit http://www.3genshop.com .
About the Author: 3Gen Dermlite, a handheld, easy to use portable cancer detection device for dermatologists. Make detecting cancer an easy process for your as well as your patients with the innovative Dermlit Pro. Visit
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