“Silk Flowers Make Horse Trials Safe And Beautiful.”

“Silk Flowers Make Horse Trials Safe and Beautiful.”



‘Silk Flowers Make Horse Trials Safe and Beautiful.”


Silk Flowers and artificial greenery do more at cross-country events than make them look pretty. Course builders, designers and organizers all know how important they can be. One course builder is really stepping up his game and embracing the use of fake brush and flowers. His name is Bert Wood. He is master of the chainsaw, tractor and fake brush.

Bert has had the privilege of building in England under some of the biggest names in the sport. While there, he noticed the use of hedge material and artificial flowers was a safety feature, not just decoration. Being from the West Coast, Bert does not always have the luxury of being able to cut brush from a nearby source. ‘Cutting brush is a large cost to everyone that can be lowered by using artificial brush.’

Bert also expressed frustration with the silk flower buying process. ‘We used to buy flowers at big box stores’ exclaimed Bert. He went on to say how he now buys through Geranium Street Equestrian Supply because it is cost effective and easy. ‘I just call Bob-the flower guy now’ He said. Dressage flowers are also an important part of the show. They also help horse and rider establish special relationships.

Mr. Wood explained how ground lines on cross-country courses can make the jump easier for the horse and rider. Colors, spacing, and height can all make a difference in how a horse jumps. Grasses are becoming more popular because they last a long time and are made of plastic. Bert even places some type of plants inside the water jumps to make them look more real. His recent work on the advance course at Galway Downs really looked great and jumped well.

Bert went on to talk about new types of materials being introduced to Horse Trials. ‘Fake brush is really becoming big’ he said. He also commented on plastic trees for spacing under jumps and how they don’t need to be watered. Plastic grasses, artificial hedge material and water lilies were all used at the latest show. Bert is now a master of more than just a tractor and chains saw. He is also the new master of the fake plant.

Robert Smith is the owner of Geranium Street Equestrian. The company supplies jump brush, silk flowers and cross country building supplies to builders, designers and organizers across the United States. Visit his website at: www.artificialflowerplants.org


Article Source:

“Silk Flowers Make Horse Trials Safe and Beautiful.”