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Submitted by: Sandra Durham
The Basic Idea Behind the South Beach Diet
Many diets come and go, but very few stick around like the South Beach Diet has. This is one of the most popular diets and it came out just after the Atkins diet was the craze. It is not the same as any other diet out there and there are specific parts of it that are very different than the Atkins diet is.
This diet works on many of the same principles of diets that are based on the Glycemic Index. Basically it works with the foundation, that when we each carbohydrates they are broken down into sugars and absorbed into our blood. This cause the blood sugar to rise and the hormone insulin to help remove this sugar from the blood.
The South Beach Diet helps to eliminate foods that have a high glycemic index because these foods cause a very fast rise in blood sugar. This results in a larger amount of insulin being released to deal with the sugars in the blood. When we eat foods like this and the insulin is released we experience a drop in blood sugar so rapid that it robs us of the energy we have and need.
When we have a lack in energy, we tend to crave more carbohydrates and we feel hungry faster. This causes us to eat more food and eat more frequently. When this eating includes more foods our body does not need, we create a pattern that will cause fast weight gain and overeating. Over time, this can cause the body to resist the insulin it releases and this means the sugars become fat and we gain weight.
However, if you eat carbs that have a low glycemic index, you will feel full faster, and you will have a steady supply of energy instead of a decrease in energy. You will have fewer cravings for carbs and you will not feel hungry as constantly. Good carbs can be very beneficial to the body, but bad carbs can destroy your body.
The Phases of the South Beach Diet
There are three phases to the South Beach Diet and you need to understand each one. The first phase will include the least amount of carbs and this will give your body a chance to rest from the changes in blood sugar and insulin. This should help to resolve the potential issue of insulin resistance from your current diet.
Phase two will allow for low glycemic index carbs to be included like fruits, whole grain pastas, and many others. This phase is designed to help you work towards your target weight.
The final phase of the diet will give you an even larger selection of foods to eat. It is aimed at helping you to maintain the healthy weight you have found and it is recommended to use this phase of the South Beach Diet for the rest of your life. If you do, you won’t have to worry about gaining weight again and your weight will not fluctuate due to your diet.
You don’t have to worry about keeping track of points or any limits put on the size of the portions you eat. You are simply encouraged to eat an amount that will help you satisfy your appetite. You will eat three meals per day and you are allowed to have a few snacks, as well.
Many want to know what they can expect out of the South Beach Diet. You can expect to lose up to 10 pounds in the first two weeks and once you get into phase two, you can expect a reasonable amount of weight between one and two pounds per week to fall off of your body. This keeps the weight loss very healthy instead of losing more weight than your body can handle each week.
You don’t have to worry about cutting out your carbs completely and you can still eat many of the foods you love. The difference is you will have a more natural diet full of better carbs for your body instead of the carbs that are not good for your body. You only have to exercise serious will power for the first two weeks, and then you can have a few of the carbs you love.
Using the South Beach Diet for Long Term Dieting
The best part about the South Beach Diet is that it is not just a diet for a month or two. You will spend two weeks in the first phase, then as much time as you need in the second phase to get to a healthy weight for your body type. After that, you will have a lifestyle changing diet to allow you to maintain this weight for good.
No more yo-yo diets that have you lose a large amount of weight too fast, and then gain it all back as soon as your willpower breaks. This is a very popular diet for a reason and many people find it to be much easier to stick to than the Atkins diet. It is recommended over the Atkins diet and is considered to be much healthier.
If you are looking for a diet for weight loss or just to help you get to a healthier you, then choosing the South Beach Diet is one of the best choices you can make.
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