Submitted by: David A. Sorenger
Cosmetologists or Hairstylist Offer A Valued Public Service
Have you ever wondered why women and men go to a hairstylist?
Why do they waste their hard-earned money on such things?
The bottom line is that people of all walks of life and all cultures yearn to look better. Looking better makes you feel better about yourself. Looking as good as you can, gives you the boost you need to live life to the fullest, do as well as you can in your private life and the workforce. Looking good gives you renewed confidence in yourself. Understand this and you can understand how this profession offers the hairstylist unparalleled rewards helping clients. The way in which a person’s hair look is most people’s crowning glory.
When your appearance looks good, you give 110% to everything you do as you meet each new day. A good hairstyle brings out the best characteristics in men and women. A good hairstylist continues to be in high demand, offering a personal touch and public service to the clients they serve.
What Does a Hairstylist Do?
Becoming a hairstylist is a growing profession in the arena of cutting and styling hair for the male and female populace. Sometimes this trade is known as a cosmetologist. Becoming a hairstylist means you must go to an accredited beauty school and then earn your license through the state you reside by taking and passing a state exam. Listed are just some of the things a hairstylist learns.
Consulting with clients on hair treatments, maintenance, and scalp or hair issues
Coloring and highlighting
Apply permanents
Straightening hair
Thinning hair
Ordering supplies
Supervisory skills
Educating clients
Raises self-esteem for clients
Eases symptoms of depression in clients suffering from low self-esteem
A Rewarding, Fun Career
A recent survey done in several states shows this career on an upward swing in most states. Some larger states like California and Texas report a higher demand and higher pay scale for this profession.
The outlook for this business is bright and promising. Beginning wages are near $25,000 annually. However, the top paying jobs earn over $40,000 per year. These amounts do not include tips, commissions, and bonuses. If you own a beauty shop your earnings, jump dramatically.
The following areas are establishments hiring a qualified hairstylist.
The doors are open wide for opportunities in this field.
Private beauty shops
Chair establishments
A licensed hairstylist must graduate from an approved Cosmetology School Sacramento. The programs offered at this academy include hands-on practice with real clients after completing course work. Students learn trending haircutting techniques and styling. States may vary in how they award cosmology licenses and may require the person to serve as apprentices for some hours. Each state is different, so you want to check out your state’s requirements.
If being a different kind of hairstylist is appealing to you, get the information you need to further your education in a fast growing and rewarding career at one of the nation’s leading approved training centers for Cosmetology and Esthetics schools.
About the Author: When you’re looking to enroll at your nearest
cosmetology school Sacramento
academy comes highly recommended. To register now, visit this website at http://www.hossleeacademy.com.
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