Be The Best You Can Be With Organic Gardening}

Submitted by: Esvasa Food

Learning about organic gardening can be very intimidating, but just like other things, it can also be very easily researched and learned. Now that you have found this list of tips, hopefully you can come out a little more informed when it comes to organic gardening, so that you can refine your methods and become a great gardener.

Care for your compost. Cover your compost pile with a lid, tarp or black plastic. Sunlight will kill the bacteria that do the composting, so the outer layers of a compost pile that is exposed to the sun will not break down. Water the compost pile regularly, keeping it evenly moist. Do not over-water, as a soggy compost pile will rot. Turn the pile every two to five days to aerate and provide oxygen to the bacteria. If necessary, add a composting activator to speed up the process.

Weed control in your organic garden will be more challenging than a conventional garden because you can’t use chemical herbicides. One of the best ways to control weeds without using chemicals is creating ground cover with mulch. Save tree trimmings and grass clippings from elsewhere in your garden and spread them around your plants to a depth of about 3 inches. This should be enough to prevent weeds from germinating and growing.

A great tip for getting the most out of your organic garden is to use a flat-head rake or hoe when spreading your mulch. These things will ensure that you spread your mulch in the most efficient way to generate the most growth for your plants.

Pests can be a challenge when you are starting organic gardening. You need to keep the soil that you are using healthy. Healthy soil brings forth healthy plants and they can withstand some damage from pests. Your plants will not only be healthy but they will be beautiful as well.

If your soil is not conducive to organic gardening, you can garden in a raised bed. You can make your bed in any shape, using almost any material that you would like. Make sure the bed is not so wide that you can not reach the middle. The border needs to be at least 16 inches, to allow for good root growth.

You can save time by using soaker hoses. Instead of standing with a hose for a long time or having to refill a container, set your water pressure on low and let your hose sit next to the plant that needs to be watered. Do not forget to turn the water off later.

Cultivate your soil to improve the quality of your soil. When you cultivate, or till, your soil, you loosen up parts that may be compacted. Compacted soil does not absorb water well, and it discourages soil micro-organisms from growing in it. When your soil is properly tilled, seeds can thrive and grow.

Mulch should be your best friend when it comes to caring for your organic garden. Try to think of mulching as a way of maintaining the “floor” of your garden. To do this correctly every year, make sure to add one to three inches of compost or mulch when planting your beds.

When planting your organic garden, wear a carpenter’s tool belt around your waist and fill all the pockets with your gardening gloves and tools. Not only will this keep your tools organized and handy for use, it will also minimize trips back and forth to your shed to retrieve tools you have forgotten to carry with you.

Organic gardening does not have to involve very hard work or deep digging in the dirt. If you use things like compost or soil amendments, then you don’t have to work the soil so deeply. Besides, you can find most of a plant’s roots in the top six inches of soil.

For the best organic garden, choose plants that do best in your type of soil and climate. Plants that have adapted to a specific type of environment have a better chance to thrive without much fuss in that environment. These plants will also save you time in maintenance because they are naturally hardy.

Instead of an abrasive and caustic chemical fertilizer, opt for an organic compost that breaks down substances like fallen leaves, grass clippings, loose hay, small twigs, and scraps of uneaten vegetables and fruits from your home dinner table. Allowing these elements to mingle in a compost heap will break down these individual ingredients into a nourishing organic substance with an even consistency.

Not as bad as you thought, correct? Like any other subject, the green world of organic gardening is vast and has a wealth of information available on it. Sometimes you just need a hint as to where to start with it so that you can “jump right in.” Now you have the information needed to feel confident to start your organic garden.

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